Thursday, 15 May 2008


so i'm here in gatwick.
killing time and using up my sterling.

saying goodbye to that lovely sunny island home of ours was tougher than i thought it would be.
hell, it's always hard leaving when it's so sunny and nice and it sounds so good described like that!

the weather here is awful today. suits my mood i suppose, it's just a bit dull and overcast but not raining anymore.

i've slept for approximately 45 mins in the last 28 hours now and drank more coffee than my poor body can handle but i'm looking forward to the emirate flight, should be nice, even if i do look like a hobo by now.

my archos is full to bursting thanks to Moe, full of music and entertainment to keep me happy and distracted if needs be, and needs must, at this point anyway.

gotta go now, the sterling's gone
south east asia here i come!

1 comment:

Nagrenol said...

I swear if i see a picture here and your wearing myshirt.. IM COMIN FOR U I SWAER TA GAWWDD ;)

Miss Ya Lil Lady =)